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Tourism and Culture Centre Karhuntassu

Welcome into Kuusamo’s culture and history 

In 2023, permanent exhibitions presenting the nature, culture and history of the region and a space for changing exhibitions have been opened in the premises of the Tourism Centre Karhuntassu and in connection with the Hannu Hautala nature photography centre. 

Karhuntassu serves internationally 

Karhuntassu tells expertly and extensively to the audience about Kuusamo and what you can see and experience here. In Kuusamo’s tourism information, tourists are served by experienced Kuusamo experts who guide travellers to both nature and services. English language version of the contents of Karhuntassu’s exhibitions serve visitors on site and on the website. Virtual applications offer an experiential addition to the Kuusamo experience. 

Neighbouring municipalities as part of the narrative 

Neighbouring municipalities from every direction are involved in the story that the tourism and culture centre Karhuntassu tells about Kuusamo. 

The history of Kuusamo’s administrative borders is in the north, the history of trade in the direction of Oulu. Posio and Kuusamo were the same municipality until 1926. The war was harsh for all the parishes of the border region. Koillismaa as a concept was established as a result of the cooperation between Reino Rinne from Kuusamo and Kalle Päätalo from Taivalkoski. The common treasure of all municipalities Koillismaa is the region’s unique nature. Kuusamo is surrounded by a chain of national parks: Riisitunturi, Oulanka, Hossa and Salla national parks. 

Kuusamo is a scenic country town where it is easy to settle down. Here you can enjoy a peaceful, safe environment and spacious living. Well over half of Kuusamo’s residents live in single-family houses, almost a fifth in apartment buildings and a good tenth in townhouses. 

General information about Kuusamo on the city’s website 

General information about Kuusamo on the city’s website